The Mayan Rosetta Stone: The ChīmalXōchitl Codex
The connection between a hidden decipherment of the Long Count Calendar of Meso-America and modern physics. An abridgement of epigraphy, mathematics, and mythology… A new take on multidimensional time as a function of planetary beat rhythms found in ancient calendrical periods, indicate a connection to Solar activity and therefore a feedback loop requiring more than our current inertial based physics approach!
Thus, we have developed a new model for cosmology, that moves beyond the premise of our current paradigm. We must move beyond Einstein and Mach’s inertial frame reference and consider the missing link in physics is based upon time, and the missing variables are found in these ‘Gravitational cycles’ , well established in our Solar system to maintain a healthy consistent nuclear reaction in the Sun.
The variation in that consistency was our first hint..
What causes the ~11 year sunspot (Wolf) cycle, and the ~22 year Solar magnetic (Hale) cycle..?
These cycles are just the tip of the proverbial iceberg, and I’m happy to say this iceberg is melting fast!
There are many smaller cycles that influence you from month to month, like the Solar rotational (day) period-cycle of ~27 days (D region of the tachocline).
These cycles have an incredible influence on life, and how organisms express epi-genetic variation.
The longer cycles of influence may hold the fate of our civilization in the balance, as magnetic excursions and extinction level events (e.g. Younger Dryas and Gothenburg excursion) are connection more than the main stream would like to admit.
We will be discussing all the cycles of influence, so that you are a master of cycles, and know the pattern like the back of your hand!
We have arrived at a moment in time, where we need to re-integrate this lost knowledge of our biological-conscious interface back into science. As you will see we are closer than we might wish to the next major Solar event, assuming these are predictable, and thus based upon patterns! We may need some spiritual maturity to survive and hopefully utilize this up-coming event…
To accomplish this in some tentative way for public consumption, the project proposes several ‘new’ models to address our current discrepancies in science.
1) >[beyond] Inertial based physics = EMPRESSS (Electro.Magnetic.Plasma.REsonantly.Synchronized.Solar .System) – very different than ‘Electric Universe’ theory. One basic premise in our current paradigm is the missing matter-energy referred to as ‘Dark’. This is accounted for in this model, which is the return to our historical narrative before spirituality was severed from science, as this invisible energy has had many names (Chi, Ki, and Prana, etc.). This explains how we have not measured the energy of the soul or spirit yet. It is non-entropic energy innately, but filters into our reality to affect for example the diameter of the Sun (see Zioutas et al. “On the Origin of the Rhythmic Sun’s Radius Variation”). He discusses how this affect may be rationalized via coming from planetary gravitational lensing. As the period of Solar dilation period correlates with Venus, and yet Venus does not have the size/mass to create a several km diameter change in the Sun. It’s off by several orders of magnitude, so we need another source of [Dark] energy linked to Venus’s orbit. Zioutas suggests not WIMP’s (Weakly Interacting Mass Particles), but IMM’s (Invisible Massive Matter) which has strong interactions.
2) Employ and integrate the Ancient Advanced Physics (AAP) from the Long Count Calendar (LCC) into our current Gregorian calendar. This calibrates our multi-body system ephemeris which has unaccounted error involved (Mass, velocity, position). Some unaware of the complexity of this statement might argue this can be done by eye observation alone, or from a few Einstein-like savants in history but as you will see, that is impossible. In order to correlate this with modern physics it requires extremely sophisticated math-physics-ephemeris data [including outer gas giants which we didn’t have untill the 1950’s] and of course computational power [which we didn’t have until the 1960’s], etc.
3) Re-evaluate the LCC end date from the GMT (Goodman.Martinez.Thompson correlation) start date using historical geomagnetic storms of significance. Using modern JPL data sets we can now determine the exact function of the LCC and why they used 1,872,000 days over 5,125 years period (i.e. B’ak’tun cycle). What they were counting is not about just end dates! There is simplified cosmological combinatorics at play, and this can only be done by a very sophisticated civilization. Yet if a species had mastered their own star system, ours would not be more difficult, but a matter of time, and of course interferometry measurements in detail over long periods of time.
4) Regain our lost history, stolen archives and allow this ancient science to arise from the ashes as the remnants of a vastly superior race (NHI, Type 1/2?) and reexamine the Kardeshev scale to include the necessity for conscious development as per implications of ‘mind over matter’ or quantum entangled non-local super-luminal connectivity. This changes the necessary energy for opening wormholes, (etc.) as we have this possibility within our own neuronal field to manipulate space-time (see Syntergic theory by Grinberg-Zylberbaum).
5) Using the calendar for what it appears to be designed for; a biorhythmological set of constants based upon drivers of the Schumann resonance. This allows for super creative moments in time, and particular at certain places where magnetic fields are not normal. These magnetic aberrations have been used for thousands of years by practitioners to connect with our ancestors, to answer questions, and to find peaceful mental fortitude via deep grounding and enhanced energetics. This creates an opportunity of flight or fight response, but with advance knowledge of these cycles now anchored within our calendar system, we can for the first time breathe with the natural forces that hold our solar system together.
6) During the times of historical ‘conflagration’ (e.g. Miyake events) we needed to seek shelter (ground radiation, volcanic fall-out, seismic activity etc.), and due to the innate feed-back loop of our consciousness with the planetary magnetic field, we may play a more critical role than previously assumed (see Dr.Persinger’s work). This is due to the ability of this lost solar algorithm to facilitate a synchronization that without the proper anchor into our space-time reality would be impossible. Think of timing like a surfer, if you don’t get on your board at the right time, you fall and the wave consumes you, but with accurate timing and training you now own that wave! This is why we need to acknowledge these cycles and utilize them for self betterment. Thus turning off stress markers (adrenal steroids), and turn on Satori markers (Oxytocin). See Dr. Bruce Lipton’s work “Biology of Perception”.
7) By fully integrating the cyclic nature of time, and how it repeats itself, we gain a boon in the understanding of numbers (e.g. 432) used throughout our historical narrative (see J.Campbell’s work on the hero’s ‘Mono-myth’). This allows us to comprehend what had happened in the past, how we are connected to the greater forces as a drama played out in global heirophanies (e.g. planetary gods/deites, solar gods, as characters in a story). Thus reclaim our historical power and deny the bunk theories that still predominate the majority of our institutionalized ‘education’ and our so-called history.
8) This is based on mathematical data, thus we do not rely on fictitious, circumstantial, interpretative, pictorial based data. Therefore, this forms the basis of an irrefutable argument against those who have perpetrated a dishonourable and racist view that our ancestors, indigenous groups didn’t have access to advanced technology, therefore it might not be smart phones, but they knew how they plugged into the greater whole, which is more than what we can say despite our precious technologies.
Perhaps it is coming to a time where we must reconsider what is important in developing a healthy, happy, state of mind, and what is required to make this happen. That is living with nature, and knowing your self, and your connection.
Thus, these cycles form the basis of a pattern of creation, that can be found in infinite forms but proportions that relate back to key constants, like pi and phi.
9) Our most advanced area refers to the map of time, as per; Temporal Topology, and as you would expect the need for those to understand the map and apply it for the better of your community. This involves looking backward (retroactively) and modelling forward (as the ancient Mexican’s did). This correlated with active geological periods that have been misinterpreted as multi-meteoric impacts rather than the only other option based on evidence. The second option, is a global lightening storm, but no expert seems to understand what would create that.? A solar induced geomagnetic excursion, typically every 12,500 years.
Precession of the Equinoxes is old news
Currently underground communities have rallied behind the Ancient Alien hypothesis and a good part revolves around the above title.
Where time repeats itself, is as follows. Just like when we were stuck in a geocentric solar system model prior to Copernicus in the early 16th century.
Today we are stuck in examining the ancient world with a geocentric gyroscopic insight. That is, the 12 houses of the zodiac that comprise of 2,160 years each, and collectively 25,920 years. That is, for every 72 years we travel 1 degree of arc through this precession of the ages concept.
This would be akin to a yellow belt in Karate, it is important and not trivial.. The same number system in precession also occurs in the Solar precession around the Barycenter via planetary ‘beat rhythms’, or ‘Gravitational frequencies’.
Thus, the next move in unraveling our Ancient Advanced Physics (APP) is to move up the chain of command. What controls the Earth’s energy, is the Sun.
What controls the Sun? The Planets rotational and orbital periods/rhythms, referred to in the literature as ‘spin-orbit’ coupling.
Their influence is still being argued about…
This project re-examines the leading edge physics arguments, and couples it within ancient calendar systems, not limited to the Long Count Calendar (LCC), but also found* in Sumerian, Asian, Aramaic, Celtic counting systems.
* There is cross compatibility between ancient number systems, while they didn’t use them exactly the same way, like artists with the same brush and the same colours but their numbers, harmonics, and architecture divide into each other perfectly, as if they were developed from the same root race, or perhaps the knowledge is very common likely required for Type 1, 2 civilizations or you could never harness the energy required to be in that level.
There is a story about N.Tesla, that he split up his ‘death-ray’ into sub components, and gave each part to a head of state of a major allied nation, or perhaps this is a missing scene from the movie Tomorrowland? [jokes aside]
It would appear this is the theme of the ancient technology, it was broken into sub sections and than brought out to the corners of the planet to invigorate other nations.
We see this story repeating in several contemporary works, the “Black Panther” movie, as per vibranium, and whether they should share it with the rest of the world, when they act like savages..
We also see this idea in Lord of the Rings, where the 20 rings which were made to control the life processes. They split up the ring set into the different factions (3 for elves, 7 for dwarfs, 9 for man, and the last one to control them all, Sauron’s ring = 20 rings). This is intimately connected to the inner mechanism from our lost world of calendars and time keeping. That is, the vigesimal system or 20-base is favoured through-out the ancient world.
Q & A
Q; Do you know that your brain’s bandwidth (EEG) and the atmosphere (Schumann, i.e. ionosphere cavity resonance) bandwidth you live within contain the same overlapping frequencies...?
A: This cannot be a coincidence, especially considering we were supposed to have evolved for
millions of years on this planet. There is new research showing the suprachiasmaticus nucleus
in your brain that correlates with circadian rhythms. This is how your hormonal (endocrine)
system is regulated and major solar activity disrupts these rhythms, as does the lunar cycle.
IT then makes sense that our brain evolved to respond to the changes in the environment, sort
of like the signal reception of any modern antenna. Except this is a biological antenna, see
carbon-based electronics (i.e. carbon nano fibers as semi-conductors).
Q: What is the difference between the full moon affects and solar affects?
A: Both have similar affects, in that they change the geomagnetic field, the moon does so
consistently on a 29.5 day cycle, and closes the return current paths that can cause
reconnection and then substorms. The Sun depending on its strength has many cycles, small
and large. Thus they are much more complex, but physicist think that these are fairly chaotic
other than the repeatable Solar cycle of ~11 years. What our research has found is a pattern of
predictable activity, and many cycles that converge, as per the human life span, the 7-year
(circaseptanual) cycle is by far the most important..!
Q: IF the Schumann signal changes does that mean our brain changes to follow suit?
A: Thanks to the heroic efforts of many neuro-scientists (e.g. Dr.Persinger et al.) we can now
say without doubt, that this quite true.. Persinger himself cited the work of P.D Nunez and his
work on “the electric fields of the brain”.
Q: What are the implications of this..?
A: Astrology which has a large occult like following can be replaced with real world energetic
fields that do affect consciousness in detail, and regardless of your birth sign we all will
experience this change. Due to our psychological differences in how we react to these changes
may depend more on our up bringing and skill sets, and genetic sensitivities as per how we deal
with stress.
Many variables will play a role into our personal journey; mind state, physical body state, our
sensitivities to changes in the environment could be chaulked up as stress responses, as these
fields are most correlated with adrenal stress responses (i.e. keto-steroid production).
As a global society we can now start to see trends that reoccur in nested cycles, and from
learning from how our earlier generations dealt with it, we may begin to fortify our mind state
with awareness of events repeating, and thus we can prepare for this energetic affect, thus
mitigating the effect in the body, from a fight response, to a flight response.
Q: If I meditate, won’t I be balanced enough to handle any changes?
A: Meditation forms the corner stone of this ‘new’ knowledge, the key here is in the timing of
the application. That is if you know you were going on a taxing physical journey, you might
prepare for such an event by training the body with exercises, stretching, etc. In like manner
knowing when these waves of energy are going to be ‘in-bound’ you can set aside the time to
prepare in the way that works for you…
Q: What types of preparation is necessary?
A: There is no one answer, all religions have a process, whether fasting, chanting, drumming,
dancing, there will be a need to deal with this extra energy that your endocrine system will be
pumping out, that is similar to what innately happens with the female anatomic structure
during their cycle, a nominal boost in hormones is expected. The difference is that male bodies
do not have any obvious sign of this effect (as per ovulation). Long terms studies have shown
that blood pressure rises and falls in conjunction with Solar wind pressure.
This is due to the intimate connection between the solar wind (plasma) and the magnetosphere
of Earth, which is intimately tied to the ionosphere Schumann resonance.
Q: What if you are non-religious, non-denominational, agnostic, etc.?
A: Basic forms of preparation could be generalized as follows; increase physical needs (playing
sports, eating healthy food, drinking high quality water [7.4 pH], surrounding yourself within an
environment that is stress free, increasing negative ions, increasing vitamin intake. As per
creative energy, this is a time to focus on those difficult projects that require high level energy-
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